Welcome to episode 51 in which Les Filles dissect Netflix’s most glittering holiday offering—The Crown. Royals on TV, they’re just like us only fictionalized and in possession of gorgeous clothes, jewels, and built-in bookshelves and often played by Helen Mirren. … Continue reading →

Welcome to episode 51 in which Les Filles dissect Netflix’s most glittering holiday offering—The Crown. Royals on TV, they’re just like us only fictionalized and in possession of gorgeous clothes, jewels, and built-in bookshelves and often played by Helen Mirren.

The episode proper is capped with an Anglo-Filles quiz in which Kayleigh tests her co-hosts’ knowledge of Eurovision, romance novel title puns, and European royalty.

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GoFugYourself recaps of The Crown

Morbidly curious about Madonna’s film about the “love story” that was David and Wallis? Here’s Todd in the Shadows’ review of WE.

The statue to Dodi and Diana

A Royal Night Out

A Royal Affair

Mads and Princess Mary

The Prince and Me

Mary: The Making of a Princess