Welcome to Episode 29, wherein Les Filles discuss adaptations- book to screen, stage to screen, screen to stage to screen again. Relatedly, Reidan saw Fifty Shades of Grey. There might have been rum involved. Download Direct as an MP3 Subscribe … Continue reading →

Welcome to Episode 29, wherein Les Filles discuss adaptations- book to screen, stage to screen, screen to stage to screen again. Relatedly, Reidan saw Fifty Shades of Grey. There might have been rum involved.

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Spoilers for Fifty Shades, LOTR, Gone Girl, Mockingjay Part 1, Game of Thrones, Kingsman. Discussion of Harry Potter, Wheel of Time, Les Miserables, Into the Woods, Jonathan Norrell and Mr. Strange, Wolf Hall, The Devil Wears Prada, and others.

Fifty Shades review with Amanda on Smart Bitches

More discussion with Sarah on the DBSA podcast.

All sorts of things have happened in the world of the Fifty Shades moves since we recorded- Sam Taylor Johnson might be pulling out, there are rumors that Dornan won’t be returning, and EL James is rumored to be demanding to write the scripts for the next two movies.

Wheel of Time pilot that sorta happened

Casual Vacancy trailer

Jonathan Norell and Mr. Strange clip

Wolf Hall trailer