Welcome to Episode 26 of Anglo-Filles! We review the fall tv season with varying degrees of “well so that happened.” Download Direct as an MP3 Subscribe in a Newsreader Subscribe in iTunes! Listen on Stitcher! Made of Fail has new … Continue reading →

Welcome to Episode 26 of Anglo-Filles! We review the fall tv season with varying degrees of “well so that happened.”

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Made of Fail has new management! Dayna and Kevin have given power over to Cleolinda Jones and Emily Whitten, and we are super excited that our Aunties now have custody of us.

Gotham – It’s kind of Batman.

The Flash – It’s not as serious as Arrow!

Jane the Virgin – Pure Unapologetic Telenovela and knows it.

Constantine – Not as bad as it could be- check out the boys at A Matter of Taste, they’re doing reviews of each episode.

Heroes is coming back, no one knows why.

NBC’s Live production of Peter Pan on Dec 4th. It will be the best night on twitter ever.

Webshows- The Adventures of Peter Pan and Wendy

Transparent – Amazon

Forever – “a perfect show to fold your clothes to.”

State of Affairs – perfectly curled ponytails at 2 am

How To Get Away With Murder – Soapy, Campy, Ridiculous

Stalker is evil. Critics hate it, people watch it, it got renewed, and this is why we can’t have nice things.

Sleepy Hollow – Sophomore Slumps Sucks

Agent Carter – Jan 6th, CANNOT WAIT

Agents of SHIELD


Selfie – Cho and Gillan pygmalion at each other.

Last Week Tonight: SALMON CANNON

BREAKING NEWS: Tom Cruise approached for mentor role in Highlander reboot. Kayleigh about dies.

We’ll be back at you next month! American listeners, happy Thanksgiving! Canadian listeners, happy belated Thanksgiving! Everyone else, uh, Happy Fourth Thursday in November!