Welcome to episode 24, which brings us to two years worth of content! This month, Les Filles discuss video games, video gamers, and the terrible things that have been happening the past month (months, years) to women in video games. … Continue reading →

Welcome to episode 24, which brings us to two years worth of content! This month, Les Filles discuss video games, video gamers, and the terrible things that have been happening the past month (months, years) to women in video games.

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After an ex-boyfriend launched an angry tirade against her online, supposedly exposing a potentially conflicting relationship between herself and a games journalist, Depression Quest developer Zoe Quinn found herself on the receiving end of doxxing, harassment, threats and accusations that she was public enemy number one in the battle to expose corruption in games journalism.

A debate on the subject soon followed, using the Twitter hashtag #GamerGate, although Quinn later exposed that as a 4Chan cover to harass her and like-minded women who dare to call out sexism in gaming (Anita Sarkeesian also found herself unable to return to her own home due to threats).

Feminist Frequency: Tropes vs. Women in Video Games- Women as Background Decoration 2

Trigger warning on these threats that drove Anita Sarkeesian from her home.

The Extinction Burst theory.

Games.on.net says people threatened by equality are not welcome.

Comics Alliance responds to GamerGate.

Magic: The Gathering and women WaPo article.

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