Hello! Sorry we’re later than usual, but we had a good reason, we promise. Lets talk about how the 2013 fall TV season has shaped up! Download Direct as an MP3 Subscribe in a Newsreader Subscribe in iTunes! Listen on … Continue reading →

Hello! Sorry we’re later than usual, but we had a good reason, we promise.

Lets talk about how the 2013 fall TV season has shaped up!

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NBC’s Dracula

Cleolinda’s recaps. Highly entertaining. (If anyone bugs her about them, I will make them very very VERY sad. Don’t do that.)

Cleo’s Victoriana Tumblr. Research purposes!

Sleepy Hollow

The Tumblr of Orlando Jones, god’s gift to fandom. Proving that a creator/actor can simply walk into fandom, if one has enough swagger. (Spoiler: he has swagger.)

Almost Human

The Blacklist

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Emma Approved

Go forth and watch TV my pretties!

We will see you back in a couple of weeks with a special guest!