We have a very special and brilliant guest today. His name is Dr. Norm Shealy. Dr. Shealy is a neurosurgeon, creator of TENS, Gamma PEMF, and author of Conversations with G-A Physician's Encounter With Heaven. 


Over the years, he has thoroughly studied vibrational frequency. As a neurosurgeon, he has pieced together the science behind energy healing. Today, Dr. Norm Shealy is sharing his scientific and Spiritual findings, as well as stories of his communication with Angels


In this episode, Dr. Shealy and I discuss:

Various vibrational tools that Dr. Shealy has created to help with healing
A scientific look at how we connect to the Other Side
Essential oils and increasing your DHEA
Taking action for the greater good while staying in high vibration
The 3 best things to do to raise your energy


To learn more about Dr. Norm Shealy, head to normshealy.com


If you are in need of an emergency session, you can book here: https://calendly.com/juliejancius/emergency-session?month=2020-09


If you are interested in a 1:1 session with me, book here: https://theangelmedium.com/work-with-me


Head to theangelmedium.com for more resources and full show notes!