Joining us on the podcast today is psychiatric nurse, Maryrose. Maryrose has completed the Angel Reiki School and has recently gone through a Spiritual reawakening. She's even started her own Angel Intuitive business as a result. 


Maryrose began getting messages from Spirit during her meditations. After she tried to "pray it away", the messages continued to come back even stronger and clearer. She has since learned how to tune into her gifts! Today Maryrose tells us how the Angels first started coming through, and how they present themselves to her.


In this episode, Maryrose and I discuss:

The difference between Reiki and Angel Reiki
Why it is a decision to be open to Angel messages
The wonderful feeling of validation
How this generation of youth has difficulty with managing stress and anxiety
The importance of healing your inner child


You can connect with Maryrose on her website at


If you are in need of an emergency session, you can book here:


Don't forget, my new e-course, "How to Hold High Vibration" is available! Head to to register today! 


For more resources and full show notes, head to!