If you plan on listing your home in 2018, there are five things I recommend you do in preparation.

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Are you thinking of listing your home in 2018? I’ve been getting so many calls and making so many appointments already in these first two months of the year.

Today, I want to bring you a few tips you can use right now if you plan to put your home on the market this year. 

The first thing you can do is neutralize the house. Bright and unique paint colors are fun, but when you list your home you want to reach a broad audience. Neutral colors will give you a wider appeal. 

Buyers want to envision themselves in your home. You live in your home one way, you put it on the market in another. Before you put your home up for sale, consider stowing away some personal touches that may be unique to you. Depersonalizing will do a lot to boost your listing’s potential.

You can tell a lot about a home by the condition of the front door.

Decluttering is another tip that I can’t emphasize enough. If you’re thinking of listing in the early spring, why not pack away summer clothes you won’t be using while you’re living there? Go ahead and put away the items you aren’t using. This will open up a lot of space in the home and help to show off its features. 

Don’t forget the exterior of your home. Here in Colorado, a piece of advice I stand behind is that you shouldn’t plant flowers before Mother’s Day. If you’re listing before then, there are still ways you can boost your curb appeal. Add fresh mulch, make sure your sprinkler system is in working order, and add a fresh coat of paint to the front door. You can tell a lot about a home by the condition of the front door, so make sure yours leaves a positive first impression. 

Finally, make sure big projects like kitchen or bathroom remodels are worth the investment by speaking with a professional about what kind of returns you will see. 

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.