This show is about Celebrating Love and inspired Angel Messages. I do this with the assistance of Angelic Realm and the Pure Love Beings where I become a conduit for their pure loving energies as well as channel messages.  

We meditate to connect to Universal Love  I share inspirational articles I wrote, messages to expand into greater love vibrations and periodically have guests. Grateful for the love donations. Please donate at

Off the air I provide  the following Services: Channeled Angel Messages, Love Coaching,? Meditation classes as a Certified Hypnotist, Love Frequency Private  sessions,  Products Authored such as Books, EBooks, Cds, MP3, Mp4s,  Inspirational Stickers, and a 4 part Online series called, Spiritual Journey to Divine Love on MP3 and MP4

for those ready to attract the magnificence of what Universal Love has to offer.