This show is about Celebrating Love and inspired Angel Messages. I do this with the assistance of Angelic Realm and the Pure Love Beings where I become a conduit for their pure loving energies as well as channel messages.  

We meditate to connect to Universal Love  I share inspirational articles I wrote, messages to expand into greater love vibrations and periodically have guests. Grateful for the love donations. Please donate at

I am often asked what does a walk-in mean and what happened to the other soul that left. A walk-in experience is when two individual soul expressions switch places. The first soul has gone as far as he or she can in their evolutionary development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken their place will serve in a different capacity than before. The Universe grants permission in order for this to take place. With a walk-in, a more evolved spirit comes into the human body and continues the journey.

Off the air I provide  the following Services: Channeled Angel Messages, Love Coaching,? Meditation classes as a Certified Hypnotist, Love Frequency Private  sessions,  Products Authored such as Books, EBooks, Cds, MP3, Mp4s,  Inspirational Stickers, and a 4 part Online series called, Spiritual Journey to Divine Love on MP3 and MP4

for those ready to attract the magnificence of what Universal Love has to offer.