Yes, I'm aware that revenge is a dish best served cold, so will be wary of any ice cream-based treats Sophie offers me.


MJ watched more DS9 with us (Sophie and Fiona this time; AB was unable to join us - she said something about a cellular peptide cake, with mint frosting?) Past Tense Pt. 2 (we ended up watching part one the previous week after recording) and In the Pale Moonlight, with TNG's Half a Life in between.

As ever, it's taken a while to get this episode out to your ears (apologies!) so when we mention Anton Yelchin it was at least a month before his untimely passing. Please don't think us insensitive or ignorant.

Please get in touch! @angeltwopod - - [email protected] - for the love of Worf, please get in touch? What's your favourite ice cream flavour? Does Earl Grey ice cream exist? How does one make ice cream with tea, I wonder..?

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