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Young founder Derek Canton was obsessed with making restaurant payments frictionless. COVID scrambled his product plans but opened up a huge opportunity to provide contactless payment. Throughout lockdown Paerpay has gotten traction for its text-driven payment system which is a perfect fit for the times.


Sal Introduces Founder Derek Canton of Paerpay What Paerpay Does How Paerpay Makes Money The Competition is Device-Centric, Paerpay Is Software that Runs on Legacy Devices How the Paerpay Solution Is Implemented A Possible Collaboration with Squadle? Derek Canton Has Ambitions Beyond the Restaurant Space for Paerpay Sal’s Pitch for His Investment Syndicate Derek Canton’s Discovery that He Was an Entrepreneur Derek’s Dad Gives Him “The Talk” About Entrepreneurship “But I tell people it's the most rewarding, most painful experience you can have, being an entrepreneur, but candidly I'm addicted to it, man. I love it.” “…on a personal side was as simple as do what you love and if your dream doesn't scare you, it's not big enough.” “…the first times in history where operators are thinking about contactless payments being the number one way of form of accepting payments, period, period. That's never happened before.” “…a few months from now the world is going to be completely different. And so, for the first time in history, we have this opportunity to really help shape what that world looks like. And our tech is doing it already and it's been incredible.” How Derek Canton Got His Co-Founder Alan Inacio – How They Seized the Opportunity for Contactless Payments Created by COVID “…, if you are a founder and you're looking for a problem to solve, now's the perfect time to be able to do that. The world is quickly changing…”