Keith Wallace is a Partner @ The Investors Club, Keith is a Scotsman with a passion for Europe. After graduation he started his first consulting company and ended up in the heyday the DotCom. When the Internet bubble burst , he moved to New York with a new mission: to help fellow-entrepreneurs avoid the “burn-rate” trap he himself had fallen victim to. Together with friends, Keith started investing and soon became a part of one of the Netherlands largest networks of informal investors, leading him to found De Investeerdersclub – “Hollands most informal investors club”, together with Martijn Blom and Gert van Veldhuisen. Keith has extensive experience is setting up companies, bootstrapping, coaching, and pre-seed capital and financing.

In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:
1.) Now I would love to kick off today’s show by hearing how you made your way into the world of investing to become as you call an informal investor? How did the bubble burst really affect you and your mindset on the market? Now can you explain to me what an informal investor is really?
2.) Now you are a partner at de invesdeers club, the most informal angel group in the Netherlands so talk to me a little about that, what your mission is, any sector or stage preferences? Having partner on this, you clearly believe group investing is extremely beneficial for investors, what do you think are the key benefits? What makes one individual a particularly good member of the group?
3.) Moving out slightly from the club, what are your views on the European tech market as a whole today? Many cite a lacking exit funnel for bn dollar exits with little acquirers and an IPO market that is not producing the goods.
4.) On the fundraising side of the business now, you have said before that too many startups look to funding, subsidies or investors for money. Instead, they should look to their customers, why do you say that? Are there any caveats to this? As an angel, would you recommend for a follow on they look to their crowd in a reddit style way?
5.) You have also said that Dutch people are not particularly good at pitching? Why? What do they do wrong and then what do you want to see in the pitch?

Items Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
Keith Fave Book: Effectual Entrepreneurship

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