Josh Maher is the president of Seattle Angel, with 20 years of experience investing, building and growing technology startups. Recently, Josh has released his new book, Startup Wealth: How The Best Angels Make Money In Startups (, where Josh interviews 23 of the world's best investors including the likes of Brad Feld and Mark Suster, in order to find out their tactics, tips and investing strategies. More of Josh’s profiles of great investors can be found online at You can find his writings on building companies and investing at and you can always find him on Twitter @joshmaher.

In Today's Episode You Will Learn:
1.) Josh welcome to Angel Insights, I would love to start off by hearing how did you get into investing?
2.) I want to dive straight into your new book, Startup Wealth: How The Best Angels Make Money In Startups, for the book you met with some incredible investors in Brad Feld, Mark Suster and many more. What was your biggest takeaway from your time spent with them and what aspects of their character make them such good investors?
3.) When comparing the meetings with investors was there any patterns or commonalities in their approach to investing? Their approach to due diligence?
4.) If there was one thing that surprised you most from your meetings with the investors what would it be? Who were you most impressed by?
5.) As the President of Seattle Angel, a prominent angel investment network in Seattle, why do you think networks are so important? What can investors do to maximize their network? What can individuals do who are looking to join a network?

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