David Rose is the Founder & CEO @ Gust, the platform that has allowed $1.8bn to flow through Gust to startups. David himself is a serial entrepreneur having personally raised millions in VC funding and being named a ‘world conquering entrepreneur’ by BusinessWeek. David is also a prolific angel investor himself having invested in over 70 early stage companies and having founded and chairing the New York Angels. It has to also be said that David is a master of the VC pitch and you can check out his incredible Ted talk here.

Topics Discussed Today:
1.) How did David make his way into the world of investing in tech startups?

2.) What were David’s biggest lessons from watching the success and achievements of his entrepreneurial father and grandfather?

3.) How has David seen the startup and investing ecosystem evolve over the last few decades?

4.) Is entrepreneurship itself an element that can be taught or is it an innate being within an individual?

5.) What are the commonalities amongst the great angel investors David has worked with and been invested in?

Items Mentioned In The Show Today:

David’s Fave Investing Resource: Gust.com

David S. Rose: Sayings From My Father
Angel Investing: The Gust Guide To Making Money and Having Fun Investing In Startups
The Startup Checklist: 25 Steps to a Scalable, High-Growth Business

As always, you can learn more about SyndicateRoom here: www.syndicateroom.com

and see David's latest tweets here: www.twitter.com/davidsrose

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