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Ben Luntz ( has really experienced it all on both sides of the table having been an incredibly successful entrepreneur with the acquisition of his company Apex Exposure, Ben started making angel investments and born was his passion in investing and working alongside startups to today where Ben is now managing Co-Founder and Managing Partner @ Indicator Ventures, an early stage digital venture fund in NYC.

In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:
1.) How did Ben get into investing in startups?
2.) Having been a successful entrepreneur prior to his investing career, how did Ben’s entrepreneurial origins impact his investing strategy?
3.) At the very seed stage of the funding environment with very few metrics, what metrics does Ben look for and secondly if they are not available how does he evaluate potential investments?
4.) What inspires confidence in Ben when he sees the names of fellow investors? Is it track record? Connections? Funds? Current job title? What does Ben like to see in co-investors?
5.) What is the worst investing war story Ben has experienced? What went wrong and how has Ben’s approach or strategy altered as a result?
6.) What sectors or industries is Ben particularly excited by? What is the next industry to be disrupted and why?

Items Mentioned In Today’s Show:
Ben’s Fave Investing Resource: CB Insights (
Ben’s Most Recent Investment: Bond (
Anand’s interview with The Twenty Minute VC (

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