Edward Lando is an active angel investor and the founder of Horizons, the coding bootcamp that teaches you to code real products before you graduate. Edward must be considered one of the youngest angels being only 23 years old giving him a unique insight and perspective into the current market. In today’s episode we discuss the pros and cons of having an operator background as an investor, what metrics early stage investors should be honing in on and the commonalities of successful consumer products and for the accompanying article of todays show head on over to synducateroom.com where you can find our investor academy.

In Today’s Episode You Will Learn:

1.) How Edward made his way into the world of investing and tech?
2.) As a 23 year old investor, what are the benefits of being so young and investng? How does it differentiates Edward? Does it pose any challenges in terms of commanding respect from higher tier VCs or Founders?
3.) What does Edward look for in potential investments? What metrics does Edward focus on when determining the investability of a product?
4.) What are the pros and cons of being both an operator and an investor at the same time? What does Edward find to be the most challenging element?
5.) What are Edward’s thoughts on successful consumer products? What are the commonalities in those that are successful? How important is branding in creating a successful consumer product?

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