Ok, so what do Crystal Singing Bowls and

the space program,

teenage boys

women inmates

the police dept


and angels have to do with today’s awesome Livestream???

Crystal Singing Bowls - Annie Jameson, that’s what/who! You’ll be so inspired as you learn more...Annie is so wonderfully inspiring!

Annie’s Jameson’s Crystal Singing Bowls music is being used in the RAW program (Reclaim Another Woman), which provides an alternative pathway of re-integration for to a life free of crime, addiction and dependency on the state.

Who said nothing ever changes?!! This is wonderful news for these women, and for us to, our families and communities, as we all know that the old systems of punishment don’t work, and only create more problems.

You’ll find Anne’s music on Apple Music


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Add your comments, questions, and just general support for Annie in the comments while we are alive, or later when you watch the replay.

Love, Anayah

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