In the previous episode of the podcast we talked about the finality of what Jesus has accomplished- that He has resolved every sin issue we have. 

“It's done,” Jesus said from the Cross.

Or- if you remember the nuance He added to the famous sacrificial word, Tetelestai.

Accept it, and your free. Don't accept it, and you’ve disqualified Jesus as your high priest and subjected yourself to the bondage of rule-keeping, shadow-chasing, and sacrifice- which can’t take away sin anyway and only serves to remind you of… your need for Jesus and the freedom He offers. 

Even after all things are complete, though, Jesus does more. Additional redemption comes. 

We read in the Gospels that Jesus continued bleeding even after He died, even after sin was atoned for. Since we know that every place Jesus bled He redeemed something for us, we know that- even after His death- He still claimed more freedom for us!

John is the only writer to pen the following detail (see John 19:31-34). He writes that after Jesus died “one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out” (19:34).

What was He doing? Why continue bleeding after He was dead?

Wasn’t He done? I mean, He said it was finished, right?

From the outset of His ministry, Jesus proclaimed that He came to bind the broken-hearted (Luke 4:18). Since we know we can trust His word, we can assume He heals those who have emotional hurts. Let’s discuss what this looks like.