Amid a lively public discourse on the Covid 19 Virus the androids and assets team sits down to talk out depictions of disease and crisis in Science Fiction, and how different fictional depictions of illness shape our reactions. The pair find that collective action is the best defense against sickness and disease. Recommended content: Station …

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Amid a lively public discourse on the Covid 19 Virus the androids and assets team sits down to talk out depictions of disease and crisis in Science Fiction, and how different fictional depictions of illness shape our reactions. The pair find that collective action is the best defense against sickness and disease.

Recommended content:

Station 11 , Emily St. John Mandel

The Mask of the Red Death, Cory Doctorow

A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit

Radio War Nerd Podcast

Dawn of The Dead (1978)

28 Days Later (2002)

The post Socialism is the Cure appeared first on Androids and Assets.