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🔗 kotlinx.serialization 1.1.0-RC http://bit.ly/39WZMF0
🔗 Material Component 1.3.0 http://bit.ly/3rv5pAg
🔗 JFrog закрывает Bintray и JCenter http://bit.ly/3jtpKTH
🔗 ProGuard Playground https://playground.proguard.com
🔗 Статья "Bridging the gap between coroutines, JVM threads, and concurrency problems" http://bit.ly/3juI4fk
🔗 Видео "Adapting your apps for Android 11 privacy changes" https://youtu.be/vaD-DPI6sgU
🔗 Видео "Hilt: Dependency Injection on Android" http://bit.ly/2MJWw7g
🔗 Статья "How Dagger, Hilt and Koin differ under the hood?" http://bit.ly/36T2hpW
🔗 Статья "7 Common Mistakes Easily Made with Android Fragment" http://bit.ly/3ryEX8O