This is the maiden voyage with a new Blue Yeti microphone. The Savor Theater in Fort Lauderdale had a free showing of Tragedy Girls on Friday night, which I saw as a perfect way to explore a city that is still very new to me. The podcast started as a rewatch of a film that was one of the first ones I reviewed on this podcast. It's one of the reasons I love watching independent horror films, to find those gems that really stick with you. Tragedy Girls is my go to recommendation for horror fans, and also something I thought was worthy of getting a tattoo in honor of. 

Like life, this podcast took some twists and turns. Just going out into the world can be a dangerous thing with many perils on the journey. Your friend and humble narrator found himself in danger, and the episode became more of an exploration of an evening filled with red flags. I hope you enjoy. I hope I'm coherent.