Rapp Report Daily 0388
Why did God Need To Die to Save People?
Why would God Need to die in order to save people for Himself? Now this argument that we hear from people is one that is lacking in understanding of how wicked sin actually is and the consequence that sin actually brings. The fact that God has to die, should tell us that sin is such a wicked thing, and so evil. This is the extreme that ends up happening, that God Himself is the only sacrifice that could be made. Now, why is that? Well, because when we sin against an infinitely holy God, it carries with it an infinite consequence. And that consequence requires an infinite amount of time. It is forever. You and I, being temporal beings, we have to pay it forever. Therefore there is no other human being that could pay it for us. No one would be able to do that, other than an infinite Being. So the fact that Jesus Christ is God, being eternal, His death once in time, counts for all of eternity. That is why when we see that Christ dying on that cross is the only payment we can have for sin because He is an eternal being. This is one of the things that makes Christianity unique because other religions are based on a system of teaching. But Christianity is based on an act of Jesus Christ, that He died in our place because He was the eternal being.

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