Chris Hughes is a hypnotist from Oxfordshire who once hypnotised over a million people across 130 countries at once – online. Check out SocialTrance for that on YouTube for that and type his name – Chris Hughes followed by hypnotist into Google to find his wiki page, Twitter account and official website. Chris has also showcased his modern approach to hypnosis across several BBC channels and other prominent TV stations – and what Chris specialises in is hypnotherapy, which uses hypnosis to help people tweak their subconscious.

That is, he’ll cure your phobia of spiders, he’ll help you quit smoking, he’ll help you lose weight. He’s a firm believer that talking is great for talking’s sake and can make you feel better, but hypnosis is the real gem that can cut to the source and sort you out. He has an office on the reputable medical district of Harley Street, and hypnotism is often listed as a potential treatment on the National Health Service website and other dependable sources, so why not?

I was also interested in speaking to him to understand a little more about what I’d experienced with exorcism. I performed an exorcism for a BBC 3 documentary a couple years ago in Argentina, and I found that all the patients, if we can call them that, seemed to be cured of their issues. That said, many of them fell back into depression, anxiety and whatever else they were suffering from. I was keen to ask Chris about that, so sent him a link – which you can find on BBC iPlayer or YouTube, just type Andrew Gold exorcism, you’ll find it.

We talk about how hypnotism works, how it can help people and the ethics around hypnotists using what they’ve learned on members of the opposite sex, or on their children to get them to do their chores. I also ask what pushed him to get into hypnotism, but inexplicably left that bit until the last question.


Chris Hughes

Andrew Gold

Exorcism BBC Film

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