When Shelly Snow Pordea reached out to church leaders about the sexual abuse she suffered as a child she found no support, no advocacy; instead the process of telling her story to church elders revictimized her. She would come to discover her experience was all too common. In the Independent fundamental baptist movement her family was part of, patriarchy was in full force and misogyny ran rampant. There was a dress code, gender roles were rigid, and women had to be submissive. Shelly was taught that as a girl she was inherently dangerous, the sexualization of women and children was their own fault, and that she was responsible for the way men treated her. Without any education but the curriculum the church offered and isolation from the outside world, it took her and her siblings years to break away from the community in which she was raised. She has now made it her mission to speak out about the church’s harmful practices. In this episode she shares her story and her advocacy work, her thoughts on the Josh Duggar case, and reflects on how being an artist helped save her.


About Ronit‘s book When She Comes Back: https://ronitplank.com/book/


Connect with Shelly:

Shelly's Website: www.shellysnowpordea.com

Shelly's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shellysnowpordea/

The Hug Who Had No Arms: https://www.amazon.com/Hug-Who-Had-No-Arms/dp/1735012017

Tracing Time: The Past Outlines A Legacy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1943526532


Connect With Ronit:

For more about this episode click here! https://andtheneverythingchangedpodcast.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ronitplank/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RonitPlankCreative/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAlSZFpcksgdHopmBLUXfLA

About Ronit‘s book When She Comes Back: https://ronitplank.com/book/