This week on The Comic Box:

In what may be our longest episode ever, Katie from Tea Time With Katie and Chelsea joins Rob to talk Jessica Jones season 2 and far too many other topics!

The Pull List:

Finish up JJ Season 2
DC and Looney Tunes on Hoopla?

Where to find this week's guest:

Twitter: @ladykatharinep

Where to find this week's guest's show:


Instagram: teatimewithkc

Facebook: teatimewithkc

[email protected]

Where to find the show and send in suggestions:


Email: [email protected]

Where to find Rob:

Personal Twitter: @Knowby

BEHOLD! The Geek to Geek Podcast Network:

Geek to Geek Podcast


Tea Time with Katie and Chelsea

Youtube: Geek to Geek

Slack: GeektoGeekCast

Reddit: /r/geektogeekcast

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