This week on The Comic Box:

Black Panther Prep! Find out his comic book origins and those of his supporting cast, what to read this week if you want a quick comic book cram session, and Rob reveals what he expects to see from this latest addition to the MCU!

The Pull List:

Black Panther (2016): A Nation Under Our Feet vol 1
Black Panther: World of Wakanda
Black Panther (2005) Issue 1-6: Who is the Black Panther?
Rise of the Black Panther

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Email: [email protected]

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Personal Twitter: @Knowby

Where to find Chris:

Personal Twitter: @S0crisp

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If you don't, I won't sing "I just Can't Wait to be King" when I go see this movie. And really, that would just ruin the whole thing.

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