This week on The Comic Box:

Rob plays catch-up this week with a bevvy of news, reviews and suggestions. Plus, Quantum & Woody announce The Most Variant Cover of All Time! Can you feel the chromium, embossed, holographic 90s nostaliga?

The Pull List (pulling from ComiXology, but read wherever!):

Ex Machina Vol 2

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (comic)

The Tick on Hulu

Any of this week's reviews:

Descender Vol. 3
Giant Days Vol. 4
Monstress Vol.2
Ex Machina Vol. 1
The Walking Dead Season 7

Where to find the show and send in suggestions:


Email: [email protected]

Where to find Rob:

Personal Twitter: @Knowby

Where to find Liam:

Facebook: Liam O'Rourke

Steam: Crotch Niblet

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