Breaker Breaker, 10-4!  As we anticipate the Zazula show in just a few short days we cover News, Sports, Motley, Halloween, Dahmer's neighbor, Spirit memes, and hit some hot Metallica topics.  An extreme round of Rapid Fire, impossible trivia, and the not so great Kirk Hammett promo for Ernie Ball.  Don't forget to vote next week in the midterms and cast a ballot in this weeks ...And Voting For All.  

Install "The Club" on your 1990's luxury automobile and enjoy 10.4 good ...APFA buddies !

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Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys. Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest! After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.