Get that pencil and paper out, we've made some cliff notes about the debut record.  We'll be making many cliff notes of the complete Metallica discography leading up to the release of "72" 

Lyrics, many riffs, solos, drum beats, arrangement, track listing, and a few other topics cover all 12 tracks form Kill 'Em All.  Yes 12, not 10!!!  Beavis and ButtHead along with Lars' son that didn't exist at the time also make an appearance.  

Season 11, Episode 3 out on MegaForce Records....who wants this f*cker?!?

Instagram - andpodcastforall

Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys. Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest! After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.