Where the hell did the past 52 weeks go?  We started this show a year ago in a smoke filled motel room and never would have thought the things that would happen, well....happened.  All of you have made it a great first year whether listening from afar, being on the show or even sending us some Hate Train mail.  We love it all. 

We celebrate this week by trying something new and laid back.  Cracked a few brews, a few Liquid Deaths, and turned on the big screen to watch some old school 1983 footage.  No guest, just 2 hosts relaxing having a good old viewing party.  Kept the sound vintage as well !  

We actually found the full show from The Metro in Chicago unlike the Metallica Monday that didn’t have the first couple of tunes!  Take in all 4 members nervously waiting on the stage for Ecstacy to end before starting Lites !  Happy anniversary and enjoy the old school banging !  

Jeff & Shane

Instagram - andpodcastforall

TikTok - andpodcastforall

FaceBook - ...And Podcast For All

Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA 

liquiddeath.com -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys.  Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest!  After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.

Instagram - andpodcastforall

Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA
liquiddeath.com -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys. Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest! After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.