Previous Episode: To Live Is To Thanksgiving

WTF just happened!  Holy early Christmas MetFam!  Don't you worry, we have you covered with information and much more.  

72 Seasons brings us an album, tour, video, artwork, colors, logos, ticket sales, production, and other things all of our Metallica minds can't fully process.  

Uncle Larry, and The Bob Signal join Jeff & Shane for over an hour discussion of everything "72" related.  A new round of "72 Trivia" also takes place.  Find your local financial advisor to help with ticket prices and experiences.  Sell your home for your VIP packages and enjoy some laughs as we are all giddy geeks drooling over what is coming our way.  It's "full speed or nothing!" 

Tell us what you think via email, text, socials, or ringing Jeff's doorbell.

Instagram - andpodcastforall

Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys. Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest! After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.