Seventy-Two headbangs, fist pumps, air guitar jumps, and running around our homes made us say yes.  A last minute recording of the last minute single dropped in our laps.  Damn we are so excited for this record as today cemented that FACT! 

Has it passed your car test?  Are you seeing a trend with the lyrics?  Did Kirk's solo out do his sparkle pants?  Will the movie be a storyline?  Does MetFan Mike know the song title?  Is this opening track better than Battery, Frantic, or Sandman? Ok, ok, ok maybe its just your favorite already, we understand. 

Pop Up Surprise episode in 72,71,70,69, aw fuck's wrath of man time 

Instagram - andpodcastforall

Liquid Death - Official sponsor of APFA -Murder your Thirst, Death To Plastic

[email protected] for all your wants, wishes, comments, Hate Train mail, needs, desires, or just to say what's up to the guys. Email us and let us know if you want to be our next guest! After all, it's a Podcast FOR ALL.