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What is biblical salvation?
Well, I suppose the answer depends on who you might ask.  More often than not, the doctrine of salvation concerns a concept of eternal and spiritual deliverance from what is referred to in English as "sin." However, there is a lot more going on and I think we would do well to expand on the details more carefully, particularly as salvation and sin was defined in the Messianic Jewish mind of the Second Temple period of historical Israel. When Paul told the Philippian jailer what he must do to be saved, he was referring to the jailer’s eternal destiny (Acts 16:30-31). When Yeshua spoke of salvation, he pointed us into learning and understanding the biblical concept of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24-25).

What are we saved from and what are we saved to?
Biblical salvation appears to be linked to an escape from divine "wrath" due to a passed-down curse of sin and death, which naturally and spiritually affects all of us because the consequence of sin is eternal death, according to Romans 6:23. Therefore, salvation means to be righteous or just with eternal life and no sin.

On this 50-minute podcast of Real Israel Talk Radio Part 1, Episode 21-054, I will seek to expand on a biblical meaning and definition that is supported from the biblical lessons about salvation, sin and death, the tree of the knowledge of good but (and) evil and really, so much more! The experience of salvation is beautiful. However, learning to understand the detail that drives the experience is, likewise, also just as beautiful. 

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