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What is knowledge as it is defined in the Bible? The Hebrew term "kavod" is translated into English as "glory" and the term "kaved" is translated as "liver." Are these good translations or is it possible that there is more than meets the eye and that the true meanings are lost in translation? Finally, what does biblical free will or free choice look like? Precisely, what does the term convey? We often say, "life happens." Biblical Hebrew will show us that this is not correct; that there is everyday randomness in the world but we are not look at all of those events and happenings in the world as randomness but rather as divine intervention and design. Each of the Bible's Hebraic ideas have strict definitions and we are going to have a close look into some of them as I will be interviewing Haim Shore, retired Israeli professor of engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; a scientific engineering professor that applies his academic disciplines to the detailed study of biblical Hebrew. This podcast addresses the Hebrew terms for divine speech and glory in the Hebrew Bible. This is Real Israel Talk. Radio - Part 2 of 2, Episode 027 of Season 2020.

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