The recording of today's TeleTalk began late, so gratefully, Harimander Kaur supplied the following notes on what was said before this recording began! Notes from before July 10 teletalk recording began: The word for this call is Pavan - which provides needed oxygen through breath and also  through pranayam, the various yogic breaths which provide deeper access to Pavan which is life-giving. In Chinese Medicine, knowledge is that the Breath is the essence - in the center of your chest where the energy of your life comes from. Therefore the Ancients spent a huge amount of time on describing Breath in all its aspects. With Pranayam, you become conscious of your Breath and its flow through you. Heart Breath - FEEL as though you’re exhaling from the Heart Center.  Please remember this Heart Breath - know who you are:    You are beautiful, and you are sacred and thus Elegant. Carry yourself as elegant, Divine and Beautiful.  If you have any other opinion of who you are, Forgive any other opinion about yourself.   You are also humble to that Elegance that flows through you. You are neither above or below anyone.  You are knowledgeable, wise, capable, wonderful--or do you have a raincoat that deflects your being saturated with these words?