We dig up the dirt on vines and wines in China's Tang dynasty and beyond, explore the wares of our Central Asian caravan, marvel at the magnificent horses of the Fergana Valley, and sip the delicious nectar from the Grape Valley of the Flaming Mountains to the accompaniment of colorful poetry. Names dropped: Poets Li Qi and Li Bo, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, emperors Li Chen and Mu Tsung, Zhang Qian, Dogfish Head Brewery, Dr. Patrick McGovern, Chateau Jiahu, Strabo, Taklamakan Desert, Dunhuang, Sogdiana, and Chang'an

Ancient Worlds is an audio segment of the Ancient Art Podcast where we choose a single work of art as a launchpad for inspiration.

Selected Artwork:

Horse, China, Tang dynasty (618–907 A.D.), first half of 8th century, Art Institute of Chicago, 1981.1212.

View a gallery of additional relevant works of art here.


Rainbow Dance and Galloping Horses by Yang Wei and DaXun Zhang. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Ancient Battle Field by Yang Wei. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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