I am so excited about today’s guest! I have known Michelle Cole for about 4 years through our church, Faith Family. There are so many moments of encouragement throughout this conversation!  I was encouraged to make some changes in my own life after our interview! Get ready with your pen, paper and Bible to take what she has to say and meditate on it during your time with God this week.
Michelle is passionate about inspiring people to draw close to the heart of God through individual and corporate worship, and in their everyday life!  She serves as a leader in the local church.   She has lead worship for nearly 20 years and oversees the Creative Arts Team of Faith Family Church.  She and her husband Aaron have been married for over 15 years and have a heart to see families and marriages strengthened.  They currently run a YouTube channel called "Cultivate Marriage" where they post content about married life each month. 

Links to Cultivate Marriage:
Cultivate Marriage YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCo-gaYmVjeCBX66hvy5beQg
IG: https://instagram.com/cultivate.marriage
FB: https://www.facebook.com/cultivate.marriages

Michelle's Anchor Verses:
2 Timothy 1:7
Isaiah 43:19

*This podcast is a proud member of the Spark Network! It is a network of Christian podcasts that cover so many different topics!  Head over to: https://www.sparkmedia.ventures/spark-network#/ to find more amazing podcasts!!