May is Mental Health Awareness month and I wanted take a few moments to acknowledge this since many of my episodes talk about this very topic. I also have a huge surprise! I have been talking a lot about my book and how I have been writing it for quite awhile. Well, today I am sharing a snippet of the first chapter with all of you! Other than my husband, counselor and a few close friends, no one has heard this, until now!

I am also sharing this to invite you all on this journey with me! I am asking for you to pray for me as I am moving closer to a November publishing date, but I am also asking for additional help getting there. This is the book God wants me to write and I want to be obedient. I always talk about how we need to depend on our community in every area of life and this is me depending on you. I outline everything in this episode as to how you all can help. If you are able to donate, my venmo link is below. I really appreciate you considering this!

Have a blessed day and I pray you continue to enjoy the episodes coming out each week!

Venmo Link:

If you have any further questions, please email me at [email protected]