Previous Episode: Boston Trip Day 3
Next Episode: Boston Trip - Day 5

It's been a great day for the team. We started off our morning with Jesus Board. Each group had a white board with a word on it. We walked around the park and asked people what word popped into their head. My group had 'Jesus is _____'. As you'll see in some of the pictures, our board had a smorgasbord of words, including Spanish words. It was really neat to have spoken Spanish to a lot of the people we encountered. There was a woman, Elizabeth, who had a special touch from God today. She spoke no English but the Lord provided a bilingual woman to bridge the gap. Turns out she needed healing in her hand as it was smashed the day before. Our group gathered around as I led the prayer. I didn't know this at the time but a lady walked by and made a comment to one of the girls in our group saying 'wow that is so beautiful'. When I had finished praying, i looked up to see Elizabeth with tears streaming down her face. God had spoken to her heart in a way that no human language could do on its own. I hugged her and invited her to Sunday service. She told me with enthusiasm "Yo voy/I'm going!" Pray for Elizabeth and all of the people we encounter on this trip to see them come to church this Sunday. Other events of the day: Metro kids is continually growing and parents are joining in the celebration/activities. It's a really neat experience. Part of our free day was traveling to the historical town of Boston. There we are at Quincy Market, ate some out-of-this-world cannoli' sat Mike's Pastries, and walked through the New England Holocaust Museum. Our team has truly been blessed by the people here at East Coast International Church. They are so passionate about what they do; it's contagious! Tomorrow we will be serving the town with "Night of Hope". Not sure what that is in its entirety yet but it will be an opportunity to serve a bless others! Thank you for taking the time to read this blog through to the end. Enjoy the pictures! -Sami