Writer's Block "Fight Club Salute" - 10am PST to 11am PST

After a lengthy abscence away from the microphone, host Tim Pylypiuk returns to host this new episode to start off 2017 on a late note.  Going solo, as Bob Delaney was unavailable to accompany him, he will violate the first two rules of Fight Club in his special salute to writer Chuck Palahniuk's venerated book of the same name, with equal attention devoted to David Fincher's movie adaption.


Radio Drama "The Princess: Part Nine" - 11am PST to 12pm PST

Synopsis:  Days have passed since our young Narrator had been expelled from College, a result of The Princess's invasive influence on his mental state.  Isolating himself in his home, he finally reaches out for help in putting an end to The Princess Society Forum's experiments that have claimed the lives and minds of innocent, venerable young gamers.  After unexpectedly becoming a part of an even bigger experiment involving the partcipation of an individual with a close tie to the enigmatic entity.

Rated:  PG-13 for intense situations and language

Original Story By:  RocketLex

Adapted By:  Tim Pylypiuk

Starring:  Tim Pylypiuk

Soundtrack By:  Alphaxone