If you are a working parent and haven’t heard of Anna Whitehouse (aka Mother Pukka) you must have been living under a rock. Anna is an author, editor, podcast host and founder of Flex Appeal campaign fighting for flexible working for all.

I knew I had to talk to Anna on the show, as lack of flexible working is one of the top reasons women leave the workforce and do not rise through the ranks (something I care about very very much).

To be clear her campaign is for everyone, not just women.

We talk about how having kids is not a choice, miscarrying at your desk, closing the gender pay gap, the archaic dinosaurs that won’t see the light of day about flexible working, and what you can do to help.

Anna is so passionate, she had me in tears at the end, as she talked about her own mother.

It triggered me, as how my mother was treated had a massive impact on my approach to work especially about being financially independent.

I hope this podcast gives you hope that there are people in your corner fighting to make a change, and that you can make a change too.





Website: https://www.motherpukka.co.uk/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mother_pukka/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mother_pukka




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