Have you ever felt like you were surrounded by idiots? Like they just couldn’t understand the simplest things?

Human interaction is complex and nuanced. What we say doesn't always get interpreted in the way we mean it. There are filters through which we view the world and the people in it.

Make sure YOU are not the idiot in the room - watch Episode 29 with Thomas Erikson, or better yet read his book “Surrounded by Idiots”.

Thomas is a Swedish communication expert, speaker, lecturer, business consultant, and an international bestselling author.

He has been teaching his personality system (which is based on the DISC personality model) for 20 years to the likes of Coca-Cola, Microsoft and many others.

In this Episode we discuss how to spot each personality at a party, why there are still bad bosses, and how if there was a perfect leader, it would probably be a woman.

Here are the colour codes:

Red / Dominant - speak their mind, ambitious, get things done, bulldozer, aggressive, impatient, tyrannical

Yellow / Influencer - optimistic, chatty, confident, outgoing, bad listener, easily distracted, answer questions intended to be for someone else

Green / Steady - good listener, good team player, caring, friendly, loyal, conflict averse, slow

Blue / Conscientious - diligent, detail focused, pessimist, perfectionist, don’t speak up, aloof, cold-hearted, insensitive, will use a calculator to double check excel is correct




LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomaseriksonauthor/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thomas.erikson.surrounded.by.idiots/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomaseriksonwriter/ - @thomaseriksonwriter

Website: https://www.surroundedbyidiots.com/en/ https://www.surroundedbyidiots.com/en/




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