Back in March 2014 I had the pleasure of speaking at SMACC Gold in Australia. The whole thing was great fun and I’m sure you’re all aware it’s going to Chicago in May 2015 so be sure to be there. … Continue reading →

Back in March 2014 I had the pleasure of speaking at SMACC Gold in Australia. The whole thing was great fun and I’m sure you’re all aware it’s going to Chicago in May 2015 so be sure to be there. Indeed Registration opens tonight (in the UK at least) so check it out!!!

Every talk from the conference is coming out via the SMACC podcast so make sure you subscribe.

As my talk is so predominantly visual, it really needs the slides for it to make sense so I’ve included the slideset here and put the audio over the slides so you can get the feel of the talk.

SMACC 2014 presentation from Andrew Neill

For people interested in learning some more detailed neuroanatomy I’d strongly recommend

They’ve done what I’ve always wanted to do and have created scrolling, labelled radiology images that wonderfully demonstrate the anatomy in 3 dimensions. Really invaluable stuff.

Here’s a list of previous neuro related podcasts I’ve done:

The C-Spine
Vertebral Artery
CSF Circulation
Spinal Cord Injury

Part one
Part two
Part three

Venous Sinuses
Brain Herniation
Internal Capsule
Anterior and middle cerebral arteries
Posterior Cerebral Artery
Posterior Communicating Artery
Cavernous Sinus

And if you’re interested in working where I work as an ultrasound or education fellow then get in touch.