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What to do in troubling times? This question is more relevant today than ever. Devalila Veenhof, Director of Ananda Kriya Sangha for North and South America shares key insights with Rachel. She recollects Swami Kriyananda advising devotees in tumultuous times "to love heroically". Even when we can’t be physically present with others, we can still help them through prayers and meditation by broadcasting positive energy and light. 

Devalila has been practicing and sharing Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings for more than twenty years. She created and developed Ananda’s Virtual Community, and generates and teaches many online courses. She describes Yogananda’s perspective of karma as an act of Divine love. The challenges we endure free us of limitations and help us perceive the deeper reality of our soul’s nature. Even when everything falls apart in the material world, we can always tap into Spirit and experience calmness, nurturing and a sense of wellbeing, regardless of outcome. 

On the subject of faith, Devalila shares the saying "Either nothing is a miracle or everything is." It's a question of perception and choice. She invites us to choose the miraculous. Why not believe in what brings us purpose, joy and connection? 

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