Hardly could there be a better time to learn about vibrational healing. Cecilia and Vivek Sharma are amazing sources of knowledge and inspiration. Global healers on a grand scale, Kriya yogis and long time disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda, they learned his healing techniques from direct disciple Swami Kriyananda. Serving people from all walks of life, their vast experience includes working with inmates in high and medium security prisons and with Indo Tibetan Border Police. 

Cecilia and Vivek share how raising our vibration is not only a service to ourselves, but also to others and the planet. Through Paramhansa’s hands-off vibratory healing, sound healing and other techniques, they help seekers reclaim balance on all levels and reconnect to their highest potential. 

For Cecilia and Vivek's website, click here

For the Ananda Live From New York! Webpage, click here

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