In the third designers' roundtable, we bring you quality rants with Arjun Arunkumar (Swiggy), Hardik Pandya (Google), and Madhuri Maram (Xperian). What's something that happens everywhere with all designers but we don't talk about it enough? In this episode, we spoke about technical debt, feasibility, and bandwidth and how it affects the work of designers. 

How can designers build shared understanding and when, at times, you have to obsessed with pixel-perfection? From there, we go on to discussing how designers and design do not have the last say or veto on the final design, output, and user experience and how do we handle that. How is that different from a company that is plain bad at making quality products? And at last, we discuss all the times when the business, client, or non-designers prioritise aesthetics over usability and UX and the beautiful words they use while doing it. 

In this episode: Arjun Arunkumar is a UX designer at Swiggy. He is @averageintel on twitter and @jedijun on instagram Hardik Pandya is a Designer at Google. He is @hvpandya on twitter and instagram Madhuri Maram is co-founder of Xperian and is @iruhdam on Instagram and @iruhdam24 on twitter