No Man’s sky – exploring options and creating your own goals and feedback loops Talking about how used we are in games today to always be guided towards something. To me, No Man’s Sky is a fresh breath of air. Freedom from the Quest-icons everywhere telling me that if you invest 5 minutes here you’ll … Continue reading No Man’s sky – exploring options and creating your own goals and feedback loops →

No Man’s sky – exploring options and creating your own goals and feedback loops

Talking about how used we are in games today to always be guided towards something. To me, No Man’s Sky is a fresh breath of air. Freedom from the Quest-icons everywhere telling me that if you invest 5 minutes here you’ll get this reward, if you invest 10 minutes here you’ll get this reward. A free canvas to explore. And of course to talk to real-life friends about what we learn.

In real life you have to set your own goals to archive more. You have to figure out the milestones that helps you accomplish whats making a difference for both yourself and those you work for /or choose to help)

Doing some reference to Jane McGonigal great book “Reality is Broken”


..and to the old, old game Elite