Season 1 Hiring Episode 07

Release Date:  August 26, 2020

Description: Nothing lasts forever and sometimes you need to say goodbye. In this episode, Sean explains how to navigate through this difficult, and maybe even awkward time of an employee leaving, whether through resignation or termination. Sean shares his own personal experiences on both sides as the one doing the firing and as the one being fired; he details out all the steps that need to be considered when reaching this separation stage and what implications the decision might have. This is a bittersweet topic as the conclusion of one position may be the beginning of a new chapter. 

We at Law Enforcement Analyst Podcast thank you for making it to the end of our limited series. We'd love to hear your feedback and experience through the hiring process. Please email us at [email protected].  We hope this has been beneficial to all parties involved and we are excited for the next generation of law enforcement analysts!

Guide Outline:

Names Dropped: Steve Gottlieb, Dave Ramsey

Related Links: (Book:  The Profit) (Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) (Book:  Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)


SEO Keywords: Hiring, Firing, Laying Off, Resignation, Designating Responsibility, Next Generation, Intelligence Analysis, Crime Analysis

Podcast Writer:  Mindy Duong

Theme Song:  Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at

Logo:  Designed by Kyle McMullen.  Please visit for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

Podcast Webpage: