Episode 00037

Release Date: January 11, 2021

Description: In this week's special episode, we cover a requested topic from our survey: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Due to her line of work, our guest has requested to remain anonymous; simply referred to as "Jennifer," our guest provide listeners with free, open source resources to assist in a variety of investigations and research. 

Disclaimers: Please do your own due diligence and discretion when utilizing any of these resources as they are free and open source, their validity and reliability may be brought into question, especially if you are looking to build a case, justify a warrant, and/or bring an investigation to trial based on information acquired through these resources. LEAPodcasts and its associates have not vetted nor personally endorse any of these resources; we are solely a platform to share information. 

Name Drops: Joel Caplan

Public Service Announcements:  

Related Links: www.zabasearch.com, www.blackbookonline.info, www.toddington.comwww.opencorporates.com, www.tweetdeck.twitter.com, www.hootsuite.com, www.it.ojp.gov/AT/, www.namus.gov, www.nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/crimestat-spatial-statistics-program-analysis-crime-incident-locations, www.nicb.org, https://texasequusearch.org/namus-untchi-funding-issues/ ,  www.nw3c.org/member-benefits/law-enforcement-tools, www.iacpcybercenter.org/resources-2/, www.plessas.net, www.inteltechniques.com, www.osinttechniques.com, www.osintcurio.us, www.opensourcepolicing.org, www.httrack.com, www.mrexcel.com, www.youtube.com/c/LeilaGharani/featured 


Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com

YouTube Version:  https://youtu.be/3cVycEDKUs4 


00:00:31 - Introduction
00:05:13 - Zaba Search
00:07:58 - Black Book Online
00:11:41 - Open Corporates
00:15:15 - Tweetdeck
00:21:03 - Hootsuite
00:23:45 - Crime Analysis Tradecraft
00:24:43 - Cool Tools
00:27:38 - Find New OSINT Tools
00:30:26 - Website Copier
00:32:31 - A Data Silo at the Workplace
00:34:50 - Words to the World